CHL Tournament Team
In addition to running charters, we compete in several tournaments each year. Our team fishes the Cape Lookout Shootout, South Carolina wahoo series, and formerly fished the SKA tournement series.
Fishing these allows us an opportunity to explore new areas and try new techniques, both of which we use to improve our charter fishing with clients.
We fish several local inshore tournaments including the SALTT Trout Tournament, the Rotary Flounder Tournament and the Spanish Derby
The team is made up of Caleb Hartley, Calvin Springs, Stephen Christopher, Greg Christopher and is led by Robby Remson. Together, we have several top 10 and top 5 finishes, with an SKA first overall win.
Clothing Line – Coming Soon
When we first started, we were a clothing brand. These days, things have switched things up, as we are a fishing charter company first, with a clothing line second. The clothes reflect the lifestyle that we live and have experienced throughout the years. We make design focused products that you can wear on the boat during a trip or back at the dock.